
Friday, June 20, 2008

CHEESE, it's what's for dinner.

I've been in the land of cheese, rubbing elbows with real live cheese heads! I just returned home last night from a leadership conference in Waukesha, WI. It was very worthwhile, and I have many ideas for the new school year.

Water was a popular topic everywhere we went....levies breaking, roads flooding, soggy basements being emptied and left by the curb for a garbage man to haul away, all very sad! We were forced to take different roads and could not get on/off the interstate in some places.

On Tuesday night we were invited to my brother's house for dinner. My sister-in-law Ruth is a great cook, she makes it look so easy! We have an ongoing tradition that I'm supposed to give her a new summer salad each year, she said that I didn't deliver this time. We did have a marvelous spinach/strawberry salad that was over the top! She even used home grown strawberries.

For dessert Ruth made this little jewel below. She has made them for years, and I had only heard about them - never experienced it first hand. She explained the process and I did not write anything down. As a result of my laziness I came home and googled the ingredients and found what I think is very similar. I hope she'll let me know if I've gotten it close enough. I'm making these tomorrow so I'll give you my own review very soon.

Marshmallow-Cinnamon Crescent Rolls

1 tube crescent rolls
8 large marshmallows
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Melted butter or margarine
Icing glaze

Mix cinnamon and sugar together. Dip marshmallow in melted butter; roll in cinnamon-sugar mixture and place on wide end of the crescent roll. Fold wide ends over marshmallow; then roll up to the point end. Pinch edges together as needed. Place in greased muffin pan. Brush with melted butter. Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 to 12 minutes.

Remove from oven. Cool about 5 minutes; then remove and place on wax paper to cool. Swirl into an icing glaze. Top with a few nuts, if you desire.

***Ruth did not frost her puffs, I think she may have brushed more butter and cinnamon sugar on the sealed crescent before baking them. She also used a 9x13 pan not a muffin pan.


Rob said...

You definitely have to take the rolled buttered & sugared marshmallow and give it another butter bath and roll in the sugar... Twice as nice.

Heather Lea said...

i remember making those with ruth. i couldn't tell you how we made them though. :( sorry....they sure are good.